Some things never change
My crazy crazy world
- Get my cellulites OFF my body
- Have long hair
- Not be so tall
- Not have big hips (By the way, HOW did i get big hips when no one in my family has it, BUt me!?)
- be able to eat anything without gaining weight(or cellulites)
And yes, right now my world is ful of cellulite thinking. And im gettiing a migrane. Gosh...Long day has passed, long day will come!
Todays outift
-Black Jeans
- Gold shoes
- Top with diffrent colors
Where is it?
Someone woke me up at 06:54 this morning, emergency girlfriend call. I love being back. :-) We have just been laying in my bed all morning, but i have ACTUALLY been working out too. It was...rough today, really rough. Now im cooking lunch, she has been home to get changed while i was working out...fair? Hahah. I dont't know. But there is agirls day on it's way. YEAH YEAH! what, or..?
My rooooom
Good night.
Cute livingroom....not my colors, but still...cute! :-)
I know!
Today...yes, it has been an all Nathalie and Ludvig day, and it was great. We had lunch, looked at the sales and went to a movie. And yeah, we bought delicious strawberries that we forgot under our seats at the cinnema. Owell, hopefully someone who likes it, found them. Ohh, we watched "Stamp the yard", it's new in Sweden, even though it's been out on DVD for MONTHS in the US. Owell...i absolutely LOVED it, so C baby, we have to learn how to dance like that!
Yeah i know, that's not dancing, but ohh what a love they shared!
Time for some shopping....AGAIN!
Today's outfit
Owell, this is today's outfit!
- LIght slim jeans
- White and darkblue striped long sleeved t-shirt
- White shoes
- Brown Leather jacket
- Light brown purse
- Burberry umprella
It's just this...something
what a day!
What i have done today.
- Had a meeting with my future boss
- Had lunch with my Grandma
- Meet Saba
- Went shopping
- Ate ice cream
- Returned what i bought
- Checked my account, no money back from my returned stuff
And now it's time to go to the gym and work-out. Sweetness! Hahah. When i get home i will get back to you!
Crawling back to you
Just got back from IKEA, did some shopping, i will show you the result later on! Sat down to read the usual blogs that i read every day at diffrent times. My dear friend H are all of the sudden updating her blog like never before, while we are sitting here waiting for her to call and tell us that we are having a grill party out in her backyard. HELLO, where did you go?! You know that we will invite ourselves pretty soon.... :-D
( You know who you are!)
Now it's time for IKEA.
Ohh sunny day...!
Talked to Heather and Darlene today(my host family in USA), it was fun, i think i woke them up though :-S My bad!
I wish i was out in the sun, now Chad will win our competiotiopn...and that is not a good thing!
Happy Anniversary!
I love you honey, you make my world go around.
Me and you, now, forever and ever!
You know...i love it!
Ohh and yeah, she is not only a pretty face and a helaty body, she is dating one of the hottest Hollywood guys, or something like that...Haha! ( Stephen Colleti from Laguna Beach and old love fo Kristin Cavallari)
Something good always comes after something rough...!
Sometimes alot of what is going on is in your head, not what''s really going on, and i think that that's the case this time...most of it has been in my head. And it's been hard, and it's been painful and hurful, not just for me but for other people too, but something like this, you HAVE to go through yoursefl, not be told about.
I learned
I got it figured out....
For this time, hopefully for all time..!
Dresses ohh dresses!
Crazy world
It's crazy sometimes. It's a crazy world.
Who wore it best?
I dont like Fergis, and Molly sims i barely know who it is, but still, i like Fergie´s hair and skin tone alot better with the dress. What do YOU think?
Midsummer, it's been a long time...
We had a good time, buti'm tired today...time for some junk food i have to say.
Here are somepictures from the weekend, now that i'm HOME again!
Outfit change.
i know thae quality is not that good, im trying to figure out why.
Alexandra and me are going to her lake house, along with some other friends that will get there later this week. but we are leaving tonight already. And that mean, yes, sorry people, i will not update my blog till sunday NIGHT probably, depending on when i get back. That will be good for me though. No cell phone and no computer, just what i NEED. Along with some other things.....
I update my blog more and more, and the less people look at it and read my stuff? Makes no sense none what so ever to me, but owell.
And yeah, it's crazy, i'm wearing ORANGE today, my Mom will go crazy, cause you see Red is my color and her color is Orange, and now i'm taken her wont be pretty :-) Hahaha. Owell, shit happens i guess.
But i got something alot more fun to say then what color my shirt is today.
Yupp, my now boss, called and said that i got the job this morning, i have a meeting with then next Tuesday! it's awesome, i dont even know what to say, i'm soooo happy. And hey, i got the job in case someone missed that.
Hahaha, maybe my future desk? Anyhow, i like it...:-)
My name is..?
Älskling '
Nasty ( the one and only, right girls...?)
Well, thank you people for all these nicknames. Now tell me, what nick names have people given you?
Hur gott vore inte det här nu då...Mmmm!
It's been a long time...
Sometimes, certain things that happens really makes you wonder...and then i mean REALLY
Bed of roses
Seems like we are all coming from the same place...
Well, i just got back in from a power walk, 40 min, and i guess that fresh air is good for your mind. Makes you think clear or something like that? I don't even know right now... Time will tell i guess :-) Hopefully...
" Guys are like purses, you have one that you absolutely LOVE and you always wear and you want everyone to see, then you have one that you really like too, but you just wear occsionally cause it's not that hot of a purse..."
(Lauren Conrad on Laguna Beach has said it and so have Carrie in Sex and the City)
Do you guys think this is true?
well, i'm gonna get back to the game.
Tomorrows schedule
- Work out
- Work
- go to the Pharmacy
Not alot more then that to do...
Looking WOW
Another celbritie woman that i love is Tyra Banks, and her hot hot hot body! just look at her at the latest Daytime Emmy Gala.
Looking as good as ever. Even in bikini, or what do you say about this?
Emma and i
A new day has come
Its Sunday, and it's raining like craxy, kinda typicall. But i guess that's how it works sometimes. As usual i'm sitting thinking about life and all its ups and downs, twists and turns. And yes, i'm thinking about the job. I want it. I need it. I'm just gonna stay at home today, take it easy, clean and hopefully do laundry tonight...some great fun. I know. Acyually, the thing with laundry is, i'm fine with washing it all, i kinda like it actually, but the thing with putting it all back into the closet is,...soooo boring! SO boring. But!
Dinner Time!
We are having a girls night. Just hanging out, it will be fun. :-D i mean it has been a year since last time, we got tons to catch up on...and there is always some grea movie tog watch and sweet magazines to read.
Who wore it best?
Celine Dion or Ellen Pompe? I thing Ellen, she looks alot more healtier to me then Celine does and that makes a better impression to start with. And yeah, i do love Grey's anatomy, it's a awesome show and i love Meredith and her weird ways of handling things. Owell, we are all diffrent! What do you think?
Give a little, get a little...
And the thing is, i dont try to look good for C or for anyone else, i do it for ME. Cause it makes me feel good, actually GREAT about myself. That's what i love about it.
Who wore it best?
Friday night out?
So today, what am i doing? Babysitting my godson, Oliver. He is at a birthday party at the moment though. Alexandra is stopping by later too. We are watching OC and just chilling.
like it or not?
I absolutely L
Katie Holmes, i admit, she is a bit changed since she married Tom Cruise, her longlife crush since she was a little girl (it's a bit weird), it' like if i would marry.... Ben Affleck ller Josh Hartnett. Hahaha. But well, the question is, do you love, or do you hate her new haircut? She looks older, more sphisticated, but s it her own choice or is she copying BFF Victoria Beckham? Who knows, except for her.....
Great confidence
- Worked out
- Been to a graduation
- Cooked lunch (hahaha!)
- Got Alexandra a date
That's what i have done today. My feet are sore from working yesterday and i dont really know how to tell my boss that i cant work today, friday and saturday, i guess that's life though. I need to call her.
Alexandra is laying on my bed. Hahaha. She is nervous for tonight. But yet soooo excited, lol. She's got a hot date. Ohh yeah!
Talked to Jeri last night too, that was awesome. Meet Saba yesterday too, wow, we had a blast do we have tons to catch up on?!
I want!!!
And babe, *hint hint*, i LOVE these
The Black and white one is a DREAM COME TRUE DRESS! * i want* :-(
And this comes from
This would be a GREAT "add-on" to my closet...
How do you know?
It's Wed. and i'm sitting here thinking about relationships... WOW, what a chocker! Hahaha
But seriously how come all relationships can be soooo totally diffrent, yes i know that we are all diffrent pepole and all that, how come some last and some dont? How come some people cheat, when they say that they are with the love of their life? Who knows EXACTLY what it takes to have a relationship that LASTS?!
How do you know...?
She's got the look?
The look of tonight, in bed, with a nag of candy!
A good bag of candy and a big sweatshirt on....what a´night, exciting life! YEAH YEAH! It's the little moments like this!
cause you had a bad day...
it's been good and it's been...good. Rough maybe, the last couple of hours should be summed up with. I guess that might be my word for it. Rough. But you know, after something rough something good always comes out of, and hopefully that's what this will do too- I know it wil.
Just took a long walk again, GREAT. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Gosh. Hahaha.
On my to-do-list today
- Plock my eyebrows
- Go to the grocery store
- See my brother
- Suprise someone
- Help Alexandra with some stuff
- Go to and pick something up at school
And yeah, i just want to say that no matter what, and when and how, my parents are and alwyas will be the
Just so you know. And Mom, Dad,Bernt, i know that you read this and i love you both to death no matter what. So PLEASE understand that,okay?
good night
Hope that tomorroww will be great, hope i get that job and that it all will work out.
It's fun, i hope that he will have a ABSOFUCKINLUTELY amazing day....I think he will though. If it just wasen't for that freakin bball practices, we could actually do something. Owell, good thing he is having a dinner on Sunday.
Well, Dad i hope that your day will be amazing, and dont boss people around too much saying "it's my bday". Hahah. I know you too well sometimes. Now i'm heading out buying him a gift.... ;-)
Love you!
Summer ohh yeah it's summer
Now it's getting close to work out time, awesome, i just want to go to the gym and burn some calories and get into shape. yeah yeah baby, THTA'S what i'm talking about.
So i'm kinda sorry, it was supposed to be plenty of things written on here but my computer is beíng gay. Well, coming home has been GREAT. I miss a few people, yes, but gosh have i missed actually seeing people walking on the streets when you walk outside, and yes people DO walk to places. I have a few goals set up too, i know everyone out there probably has said that once in their life that "after this summer i'm going to have my drivers license" but for real, i will.
I know that you people have missed things in my life now, an alot of things has been going on. But yeah you will just have to keep going with me from now on and whats up now. Job interview on tuesday ( I so so so hope i get that job!), cross your fingers and pray for me.
Owell, time to call my love and say good night, even though it's not even 7 o clock ther, shit happens when you are in two diffrent worlds, i guess that will never stop us though. For the ones that are out there thinking we must be stupid, at least i get to be with my true love in the end.
Good night!