It's xmas...again!

Yupp, you heard me. It's January 5th and we are having xmas with C's other side of the family. Great food and great company, can't wait to go and get some more food...yumm!! Guess who wont lose weight this time she is here. ME! Too bad.

Ohh and i think everything for next year will get figured out, atleast finished planned, by the end of my time here. YEAH for us.

Time for more food.

Ohh by the way i got a A in my religion class as a final grade(MVG).

Have a good day people!

Hot pics stolen.

How hot aren't these pictures?


Taken from:

Picture update!!


Happy new year!

Just wishing everyone a happy new year, (Swedish time it's now 2008), have a great evening/night.

Easy comes easy goes.

It's thursday and im in the US, at my boyfrieds. It's lovely and just some amazing time. We have had our xmas and we have exchanged gifts, i will show you later i got some AMAXING stuff. Anyhow, i probably wont update my blog as much so just comment and ask if there is something you want to know.

Have a good rest of the year and a great new start of the coming one.


Christmas traditions.

There is just something about xmas, and without a doubt it is my definate favorite holiday. I just wish everyone could understand that.... that everyone could want to be okay with the way me and my family does xmas and so on, but i guess it's not supposed to be easy. Nothing is supposed to be easy.

Anyhow, it's the day befor ethe big day, xmas eve and we are about to start decorating our tree here pretty soon and then cook the ham and i will probably steal some more of my Mom's delicious meatballs, i have longed for them for two years now so i will probably look like a meat ball after xmas, haha.

I will update as we go along, and there will be pictures as we move along too. Have  great evening!

Fooood time.

Okay, yupp i'm starving, time for fooood. Lunch with Isabelle...:-)

At the end of the year.

So it's getting alot closer to that time of the year when you, in your head, go through thoughts and look back at things that has been and I think that today is one of those days. I just can't stop thinking about how diffrent my two halfs of the year has been... WOW.

Ohh and this list im about to do, Yeah it will probably be renewed VERY often the coming days/weeks. Be patient people.

Most memorable things this year (Good and bad)
- I got a beutiful ring for valentines day, and it's NOT an engagment ring.  (GOOD)
- I graduated from Sutton Public High school WOHO!! (GOOD)
- I learned who was my real friends and learned to appriciate the ones i have (GOOD & BAD)
- I got new girlfriends that are WONDERFUL girls. (GOOD)
- I got to see my Baby brother on a regular basis(From June and on!) (GOOD)
- I got to see all of his hockey games and even practices, best sister award someone? (GOOD)
- A got a great job with great co workers, always fun times (GOOD)
- I left my baby more then once... (BAD)
- ....But i always keep coming back, travelling the world to see you (GOOD)
- I fell in love with the cat that i was supposed to hate (GOOD or BAD?!)
- I got serious with my school work (GOOD)

To be continued.....

But form what i have written so far, atleast the things i think about is the good things, today is a positive day! :-)

Good night and good morning?

Yeah well, i didnt get home til relaly late last night and when i actually did get home i sat down to do some studying and then i took a long and well deserved bath. Sometimes you have to really take the time to take a bath, cause it's always worth it.

I'm most defenatley ready for the last day of school for this year, it is awesome and it feels great. woho!! And al i have today is art, thank heaven seven eleven....haha. Okay, my humor is not where it's supposed to be. Owell.

I'm already sitting here thinking about what i should eat for lunch, and i can't veen come up with what i want. Sandys, china buffet, soup or a bíg sallad....or maybe something chicken? Good thing i have like another three hours til it's time for lunch. Owell.

Gotta go, back to work!!

When i see this...i want that.

Okay, so my life is not only catching up on celbirties lifes and keep that part updated, i go to school, i work, i wstudy and i try to get alot of time in for my friends and family which is not always the easiest thing. When i read Kelly's blog the other day and i saw how she had decorated with some candles, i can't wait til i move away from home and have my own home to decorate and choose interior for all by myslef (or i guess C will be included!), but the thing is that atleast me and C have kind of similar taste....or, yeah we will see. But this is adorable and i WILL have this in my/our apartment/house one of these days.


Picture taken from Kelly.

Cute celeb babies.

 Salma Hayek's dougther, Valentina 3 months.

A kids list?

Can the stars babies be ranked? Yes, obvioulsy they can. Here is a list, according to, who stole the list from some hollywood website that to me is unknown.

Here is the list

1. Shiloh Jolie-Pitt (Brangelina)

2. Suri Cruise (TomKat)

3. Zahara Jolie-Pitt (Brangelina)

4. Sean Preston Federline (Britney Spears och Kevin Federline)

5. Pax Jolie-Pitt (Brangelina)

6. Sam Alexis Woods (Tiger and Elin Woods)

7. David Banda (Madonna and Guy Ritchie)

8. Danielynn Birkhead (Anna Nicole Smith and Larry Birkhead)

9. Romeo and Cruz Beckham på delad plats (David and Victoria Beckham)

Picture taken from:

Good morning.

Ity's Tuesday morning and i'm at work. Longer day at work today then in school... which is pretty good. I need to get quit alot done in school while i'm there though, and i might even stay after class and work on my project, BUT we will see.

Went to bed with a fever last night and i still had it when i woke up this morning, stinks cause i actually feel sick too and this is NOT the right week to be sick, i really dont have time, life just has to keep going on as usual. Atleast the sun is out and it's not pitch black outside, i like this weather it's not too bad.

I miss my baby. I'm sorry the game ended that way last night, just hit back hard next game!!


Cute couple number 2.

Adorable picture, if you ask me, off ohh so pretty Tony Parker and wife Eva Longoria.


Busy busy week.

So me and my brother had this great plan for friday, we were supose dto go to his xmas deal in school, then go to mine and then go and have a awesome lunch and then we would both be ready for some last minute xmas shopping. BUT then last night i relalized that that plan would not work since i have to work sometime during that day too? Which really sucks, so now we will do it on saturday instead. Which is fine i guess.

This is my weekly plan.
- Work
- School
- Do some researching at home
- Work
- School?
- Working out
- School
- Work
- School
- EXAM in school
- Dinner with Em.
- Work
- School
- Working out
- Dinner with S
- Work
- School
- Basketball game

And the rest od the week you will fin dout as we go. Ohh my what a week i have ahead of me.

Cutie pies.

Found the totally beutiful picture of David and Victoria Beckham, even if it would ba picture "made up" just to suit the papparazzis or if it's a picture taken spontaniously when they were actually hugging i dont care, i think they married and are still tigether because they love eachother. The end!


What a day.

I think im done with my english, Author portrait including an article and a literary analysis, i hope i'm done. I think i'm. We will see, have to go thorugh it a bit more and then i can hand it in. YES, one thing less to worry about to get done bewfore the end of the week. YEAH!

I'm sitting at my Mom's and listening to xmas music and planning the week i have ahead of me. Last xmas shopping, laundry day, preparing everything for xmas, getting the xmas tree up and dressing it, eating the first ham sandwich(I have waited and waited for it!), help my brother get his xmas things.... pack i guess i should get done too and then i have two big finals left in school and then i'm doooooone for this semester. Great feeling.

Today i'm finishing up the last small things on the english work and then i'm heading back to my Dad's, we will hit the gym and then go home and clean. Booooring, but it has to be done.

What are all of you doing this week?

Ohh, by the way, this is the week when i have to be at work EARLY, goosh i dont like those weeks. Owell, keep walking, kepp shining and walk with your head high.

Just ordinary me.

Homecoming in Sutton last year. BLAST!

Saturday day.

It's been a calm and quit day today, my borther and i have just been hanging out and i have been studying quite alot, it had to get done, and even if it's not done yet i know i will be done by tomorrow. Thank good for that. I'm not even dressed yet, probably should go upstairs and get dressed cause we are about to leave for my brothers hockey game today, woho!

Anyhow, im staying at my Mom's one more day/night and then tomorrow i'm going back to my Dad's, working out and cleaning is what is up. And ofcurse finish my studies, but i will probbaly get that done before i go back to my Dad's.

Well, i better get going. What have all of you been up to today, and what are your plans for tonight?


Ohh sp much fun we had, and yupp, im totaly in to driving! HAHAH!!

Long emails and lovely words.

This morning when i checked my email i had two wonderful new emails in my inbox, one from H and one from C. It was a great beginning of the day and it made me feel great. I love to get emails, read the emails and then just... honestly i'm not that great at answering them.

Anyhow, had one class this morning and we got to work on our finals, which was great cause it was just what i needed. Mayeb that means i dont have to study like a fool this weekend. YEAH for me.

I'm at work now, but honestly i'm not tooo motivated, i guess it's Friday and that's what happens when nit's fridays? it?

Supposed to meet up with one of my GF, Elina, for coffee and some sweets but she texted me and cancelled, she had forgot about some family deal, sucks. Owell, hopefully we will still have time for it before xmas but honestly i doubt it. We will see.

Time for some more work then, work out, meet up with A, go shopping, windowshopping...who knows what i will do. Meeting up with my Mom, Bonusdad and my to you later!

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