Back home.

I'm back home again after a few lovely days away. Midsummer at Möja will hopefully and probably be a tradition from now forth and on...great!

Got back yesterday, but had a nice family afternoon with my family. We went to the gym and the bball court that Ericsson has for it employees and family and then we boght food on our way home and watched fball and talked about my coming going away plans. I'm SO excited and will soon let you know what it's all about!

Today i went shopping, had a calm and nice, relaxing, walk thorugh all of stockholm (meening central stockholms shopping streets).

Now i need to get some things done and finish up a few things.


Bad loss.

Sweden lost the game last night, which means that they are not qulified for the quarter finals. SUCKS! But they didn't deserve to win, Russia was the better team all the way through the game, Sweden didn't stand up for themselves or represent Sweden as well as they should and as they usually do.

Time to move on. A loss is a loss. I gotta admit that i really hope for Netherlands to make it now, go go go!

World championship here we come (i said i would go there when they play in South Africa, that's in two years...haha!) Opps!

Fredrik Ljungberg, kapten, uttalar sig smått kryptiskt om si

5 good things

- Brody Jenner
- McClouds daugthers
- Coca Cola
- Green olives
- Shayne Ward (Breathless)

What they have incommon? Been my company all day. 

Thinking big.

And no, i'm not thinking big as in Mr.big in SATC... even though, haha, no, not at all what i was thinking. I'm thinking big as in plans, things to do, get things going and do something for me. And no, not saying that all the things i have done and all the places i have been to hasen't been for me, cause i guess it has, but this would be a blast, amazing, and just... fantastic. I would make it fantastic. Time to do this. Time to keep thinking big...for me.

Yupp, and i would need to fly to my "thinking big place"...

Can't believe

...that i'm a fool again. For you. Or maybe because of you. I don't get you, this or....whatever. I'm the fool. Again.

From someone i love.

I get a text msg pretty late at night, the person texting me is telling me he/she would do anything to be with her/his ex again, she/he knows that they are right for eachother but is just not sure on how to get it to be just like they want it...right now.

" I know, i know exactly what you are talking about...believe me. But the hard part is that i dont know what you do when you have meet the right person but at the wrong time. There is no book with rules, or instructions who tells you what to do, you can't shoot down your feelings... the question is: can you put what you feel on hold, keep what you have felt and will feel with him/her again and have hope for the future and believe in what will come? I think you can..."

Darling i believe in you and him/her, i believe in that you will get what you want and who you want...maybe just not when you want it. I love you!

I said and you said.

I said you are hooked on me. Then i realized, maybe i'm the one who is hooked on you...

I said and you said.

I said you are hooked on me. Then i realized, maybe i'm the one who is hooked on you...

Every time

Carrie: You do this every time! Every time! What? Do you have some sort of radar? Carrie might be happy, it's time to sweep in and shit all over it?

Big: What? No, no, I came here to tell you something. I made a mistake. You and I.

Carrie: You and I nothing You can't do this to me again! You can not jerk me around!

Big: Carrie, listen to me. It is different this time.

Carrie: Oh, it's never different! It's six years of never being different! This is it! I am done! Don't call me ever again! Forget you know my number! In fact, forget you know my name! And you can drive up this street all you want... because I don't live here any more

Mr. Big and Carrie conversation before she is ready to leave for Paris

Check it out:

Boys, boys, boys.

What is the deal with boys... or men, or... i dont even know anymore what to say or to call them. Why do we intend to make things so much mor ecomplicated than what they really are? Cause really, that's what we seems to do best. It's really simple though, if you think about it.

You like me. I like you. What's the problem?

Just go got it. And don't be scared. And don't be too hopefull. Just go.

Is it so?

Don't you just hate it when you wake up with a feeling, espceially after having a certain dream about a certain someone that has been in your life for quite some time before, someone that you would like to consider a blast from the past? And add on to that when you wake up exhausted and out of shape, with a little fever and you still feel like all you should do and will do is to get it together and go to work?

Well i do. And i'm about done here.


Okay, so you all know that i always think that there is a Mr.Big in your life...well i did a SATC test on who you would most likely be in the show and who you would most likely end up with, well guess what? I got Mr.Big and i was a mix of Carrie and Charlotte... now tell me something i don't know! HAHA!

Life is funny!

What do you do...

When your heart says one thing, your head/brain another thing and your body a third thing?
Well, i guess we are about to find out.
Winner takes it all.

It's been a year.

This coming week one of the big celebrations in Sweden takes place, Midsummer. This made me think about that it has been a year since some of the lovely pictures i have up on my wall was taken. Alot has happend in a year, and you that have read my blog daily or know me really well know that it's been a long road and alot has happend, of curse both good and bad. I had a totoally wonderful month of July with my then love C, I started in a new class the beginning of the end of school(amazing people by the way!!), I started a new job, one of my best friends announced that she was pregnant, my one and half year long relationship ended, I graduated, my brother had TWO knee's been a crazy year but all the bad time that has been had been made up by the past two/three priceless months!!

I'm glad for the people i have in my life, the people who continiues to fulfill my days, also for the new people that enters my life and teaches me things about myself and others and the world, and i'm glad that I'm happier then ever. And the coming year i can't do anything else then look forward to with a smile on my face!


I don't know what this is
cause you got me good
just like you knew you would

I don't know what you do
but you do it well
I'm under your spell


It's oficiall!

I'm most definatley ready to move out my parents house +/and apartment. It's nothing they do, cause really all they do is to make me feel at home and as welcome as they always had, but i just want my own place, with my own things, and get to do things my way. And sitting on web pages where to buy furnitures and so on, thinks just makes it even clearer for me and them. Now im just waiting for the perfect apartment to come along though...

Also i fiigured out that i will probably tell them that i want my own computer for my 20th bday. How about that, a good gift, right? :-)

It's been busy.

Graduation was last week, and a picture update with all that is on it's way(as soon as i can reach all the pictures!!), no worries. But ever since that, actually since the week before that or even before that i have barley been all. It's been like a come and go place, where i only sleep. Well i'm feeling how it's really gettiing to me, i'm exhausted and i think that's the reason it feels like i'm getting sick, i probably am because of all this, but it's fine, and i don't mind at all, i have for surely had the time of my life. Without a doubt right now is probably as happy as i have ever been for a long period of time, of curse the past years has had it's momnets and all that, but right now i'm just so fullfilled and happy with everything and everyone around me. I have an incredible family, amaxing friends, a wórk place which i enjoy every moment(almoust!) at, great co-workers people that has actually become really good friends, i'm healty and all the people whom matters to me are too... it feels like there is nothing that can get me out of spirit right now, not even if i get sick. I'm happy and i'm just enjoying life. 

This weeks schedule has looked like this:

Monday - Lunch date and bday dinner at Saba's
Tuesday - Lunch date with Grandma (<3) and football(soccer) dinner/party at Isabelle's house
Wed. - Doctors appointment at lunch + bday dinner with my dear father
Thur - Lunch date with Elina + beer and food party with all my co workers
Friday - Lunch thing at work + party?

We will see, probably will end up me going home and falling asleep, or we might get people together to watch Netherlands - France play...WHAT A GAME!

(Picture update on it's way!!)

This is cute.

I saw this bracelet at another girls blog, and i fell inlove. Isn't cute?

  From KyssJohanna.

Taken from:

All these things that people want to know. (Updated version!)

Xmas is just a week away and my Mom has been on me for days now to update and make sure that all the things i want for xmas is on my "list", yeah actually she said " Whay can't you just make a regular list written either on your blogg or in paper form", well Mom, and everyone else...woulden't that just be tooo easy´?

But okay, all the things i have put up here on my blog i truely want for xmas, but i will add a few more things, just so you all know what more to get me :-) (Ohh boy i'm being cooky!) Hahah. And Mom, i will do it in a list, a straight one, on my blogg and maybe i will add some pictures...or maybe i wont. (This includes things already written too!)

-  Sex and the city shoebox, including ALL episodes from every season made
- Quesadilla maker
- Shows, boots and black shinier ones, + a few from "Bellas" (Already shown most of them!)
- A knitted warm tunic that i can wear with tights. (Black, Red, Grey or white is to prefer!)
- Travel checks
- The bracelet from Hallbergs guld that my Mom got for her bday. (The one from Morgan & Maria)
- Money
- Tooooooops in all diffrent kind of shapes and colors (The colors i listed above to prefer!) (Tops i can use for work and more "privately"
- Airplane ticket to greece this summer with C.
- Belts, black and brown one, from H&M. (MOM the two that i bought but returned just to show you that thats the ones i wanted!!!)
Honestly i just want alot of clothes and stuff, but as i have said before i would love to get things that i could have in my own apartment one day, but since we dont know where that will be i guess that will have to wait. But i will keeo to update this thorughout the MOM check this tonight or tomorrow mom!!

It's back on.

Today is a weird day, like so many days might be at times. My brother has the chicken pox and he is getting worse for every hour, earlier today he called and was excited that he got a gew more chicken poxes on his body i thought ha if he only knew what to come. We will just have to see how excited he will be tomorrow or tonight when he is trying to sleep but cant. I feel bad, wish i could have it instead of him, but no can do. Got C another xmas gift today and im getting closer to being done. Im just thinking i will find something more, something little. But we will see. I hope he will excited, i think he will, i hope i know him that good by now.

Speaking of xmas gifts it's funny, cause some of the girls in my class and i were talking and it seems like pretty much the majority of us/them were freaking out about what to get their boyfriends, no matter how long they have been together. I guess buyi9ng gifts are just...difficult?

Anyhow, im about to hit my second online order today...underwear from H&M, but we will see what i end up doing. Im not sure, maybe i should just wait til i get to the US? But i dont get stuff from victoria secret anyways...Hmmm!! I will let you know. The other order was for C, a xmas gift.

I checked sex and the city box out today and i really really want it for xmas. Ohh i hope i get it. I hope, hope, hope!!Ohh and extensions that i found in the US...want want want. :-)

 Ohh i just wrapped my Mom's bday gifts for tomorrow.

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