If you are gonna do it, then really do it.

It's wed. it's raining outside the windows, it's just 13:33 (1:33 pm) but it looks like it could be around 20:00(8pm)...crazy. The thing is that wheni was younger i didnt like this time of the year at all, but these days it dosent feel all too bad, i wouldn't say i like it or even love it but i defenatley dont hate it. I can live with it and i accept it, and some days, i even like it, or enjoy it. Tonight is my big exam in english...im not nervous or scared i really just want to get it over with, not have to worry about it anymore or think about it anymore, then there is one december 19th as well, but that is similar to thid one so im not too worried about that either!

People, it is useless for me, and there should be no reason for you to write a comment and be anonymous. If you have something to say, or comment on, stand for who you are and what you are actually saying. OR i don't want your comments. Simple as that.


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