Long day, long weekend.

It's been a nice and quite weekend. I think thats what i needed. Friday night i had Sanders over, and she stayed the night, we slept in and then had a great breakfast. The thing is that i think we were both awfully tired cause we barely even talked and we both fell alseep right away. Atleast we had a good time. After the little family brakfast we went to the mall, for my brothers haircut and for some quick errends, then i went to the gym and Sanders stayed in the mall and then we went back to the mall for some exchanging of some already bought gifts and some new ones were also bought. I'm getting pretty close to being done with my xmas gifts. LOVELY.

Fisrt day of school today too..haven't been there for 5 weeks. That's a long time, longer then what is left til i see C again. Weird. It was fine though, and i think time might pass even faster now,but we will see.

Need to finish up my job and then i'm heading off for a quick meeting and then maybe meet up with Sanders?

Anyways, talk to you later.


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