What it is.
It's about you, yourself, and always putting yourself first, Because when it really comes down to it you are what matters and you are all you will ever really know, and when you know you are happy, when you know you are okay, you will know what it is all really about. Loving yourself should be priority one, caring for yourself, your own feelings, your own thoughts...and always making decisions that are benefitting yourself the most, thats what we need to do for ourselves. I know i need to and when you think about it you probably should too. It's time to keep the show on the road, your heart in a safe place/safe person and take one day at a time...as much as you possibly can.
Go out there and enjoy being nothing else than you. Cause that's what we all do best, really, being ourselves.
Go out there and enjoy being nothing else than you. Cause that's what we all do best, really, being ourselves.