How do you know?

How do we, you and i, really know when the things we do, the things we want to do, the things that we have done... how do we know when they are right, how do we really know if they are good or bad? I know that there is a feeling before you do something that kinda indicates what you think and how you feel about what you are about to do, but do we ever, really, truely, know when something is good or bad for us?

How do we know? How can we tell?

It's time to step out of the shadow, step out of the past and focus on what's right now, on what the future has. Forget about what has been, especially the bad things, and liv elife to the fullest. Things goes wrong, you do things you regret but we have to be able to admit what we did, and that it was wrong, we should swallow our pride and be honest about things...we make mistakes, we all do, and i know i have, i know that every person i have in my life has and i think that a majority of them can admit that there is times when we need to realize what is at stake and sit down, think, analyze....and swollow the pride and be honest, if not for someone it for you.

Postat av: elena :)

"dont let the past hold you back, you're missing the good stuff"

puss på dig

2008-02-19 @ 15:57:25

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