Did you give it your all?

In a relationship with someone you share things with that person that other people might not ever have known about, might not have ever seen and you share thoughts, dreams and wanting with that person that has never been said /told to anyone else...is that giving all you have? What is really giving your all in a relationship? If i do all that, share all that, tell him/her all that have i then given the relationship all i have? I dont think thats all there is to it, i think giving your all is not leaving your partners side, not leaving your realationship just because things gets rough, fighting through the up and downs together, leaving the relationship when you have tried to make it work in all millions diffrent ways there is... and hopefully the two of you have given the same amount of fighthing, the same amount of blood, sweat and tears into it...and in a fantasy world, the two of you call it the quits at the same time, leaving the relationship at the same time, but for some reason.... one of you is always prepared, one of you have almoust always processed it in your body, mind, heart and soul processed your decission before even telling the other person. But is leaving a relationship when you break up? Or when one of you meet someone new? Or do you ever really leave a relationship? And what if you dont give it your all, you dont fight til the end...is it really an end then, or is it a door just half way closed, and that's why you can't leave one another alone, why you can't and why you don't want to fully let go...?

All these questions and really, who has the answer?


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