Doing it the right way, or my way?

When it comes to making decisions, and it's decisions that you can't make, when someone close to you have to make a decision, but it's a decision that involves you, that will change/not change things for you, then how do you do it? Do you keep away, no talking, no seeing, no nothing and is that the right way? Or do you do it your way, tell them/him/her what you think, how you feel and what maybe frightens you, or makes you not scared...and is that your way...or the proper way? How do we really know what to do? And how do we really know how to act? And are we so scared that what we say or do will affect that persons decision so we are too scared to actually say or act the way we would really like to? I think that when someone is making a decision, that includes you, if the decision is moving somewhere, going somewhere on vaccation for the summer, buying a new bed, a new cauch or telling a friend what you have seen his/hers boyfriend really do, or if it's a friend accepting a marriage proposal...whatever it might be you have to do, say and act so that you feel that you have done all you can. That you have let your gaurd down and actually been rock bottom honest, so that you know that you have done it all, you have done everything you can...and it's no longer in your hands. I have done all i can. It's no longer in my own two hands. I take that back, i haven't stepped on that air plane yet...that's all there is left to do. Will i do it? Will i ever do it? Would it be the right thing to do?


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