White lies?
You meet someone, you start dating that someone, you fall in love(probably) with that someone and then you are in a relationship with that someone, but does that person really know everything about you? Let's say that he/she asks about your "magic number", if it's high do you lie about because you dont want him/her to know what life you have lived before him/her, and if it's love do you make it higher because you dont want him/her to think that you are a looser who couldent get any, and if you do either of these... is it something you will ever come clean about? I don't see the reason why you should pull up with lies, even if you would call them "white lies" , no lying in a relationship, beginnging, middle or towards the end is good, but ofcurse we all have our white lies... or do we? A friend of mine and i were talking and trying to come up with, or try to figure out, why there would be good to ever say a white lie and i guess it all depends on who you are and what your íntentions with that person is because seriously white lies? And if you pull a white lie and the person turns out to be someone you want to go all in with, someone you might even think about spending the rest of your life with, then when do you tell that person that you lied, cause surely that person wont see it as a white lie or will he/she confess up to?
White lies, a do or a don't?