Some sunday fun!
Personal Fact
Name: Nathalie
Sex: Girl
Age: 18
Height: 1.84 (6.1)
Nickname: Depends on who it is
Hair color:Blonde :-D
Eye color: Blue
Opposite Sex:
Do you like anyone from teh opposite sex at the moment: Now and forever (Chad)
Does he/she know about it: YES
What do you look at in a guy: Eyes, Butt,hands...everything
Within the last 48 hours:
Given someone a hug: Yes
Been fine with your parents: Always
Had a fight with a friend: Not that i know of
Misccelaneus(don't know the spelling):
What did you do last summer: Went to Greece, turned 18, moved to US...
When did you shower last: Today
What color are your pants right now: Green
What was the last thing you ate: Subway sallad last night
Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: Chad
What did you do last night: Cleaned my room and watched bball
Who was the last person you talke don the phone with: Chad
Seven things that you are wearing:
all i'm wearing...
Two things you want o do before you die:
Have a baby and have a great career
One thing that you regret:
Not having anything to eat this morning...*hungry*
Wild day
I know, some of you that read this will be like, emagine that, haha, but seriously, i haven't burned myself for like 5 years and this is BAD. But owell, atleast my parents are coming. :-D
I should alos appologize that i haven't been writing things, but i just haven't ben at home. And now my parents are coming, but i promise i'm gonna do the best i can...just please forgive me for the bad updates.
And yeah, the other night i had a date with Savannah and her sister and borther was with us like all the time, they are ADORABLE! ( picture will come at the end!) We had pasta with alfredo souce and a sallad with lettuce, cashews(or something like that) and raisins, it was really good actually. GREAT job savannah. After all that food we went to rent a movie, we watched "Failure to Launch" a really good movie actually, and you just gotta love everything Sarah Jessica Parker ever wears, if it is in a movie, the red carpet or Sex and the cirty. She is Faboulus! And Matthew McConaughey, he is just HOT HOT HOT. But my boyfriend is too, so i'm not too worried about it.
Last night i just cleaned my room and watched NBA playoffs on the TV, and heather and Darlene were up there messing around so we were all just kinda "hanging out", it was nice, it feels lik eit has been a while. And right now i'm really feeling that Heather is like my little sister. It's AWESOME!
Time to start getting ready or actually might just take a nap. :-D
Pappa - Dad
Then i tried to tell him that he had been, but some how he must have missed that. So, people, here is my Dad. He is THE man in my life and always have been and always will be. I love you Dad! :-D
It is less then 2 days to my family gets here and the butterflies in my stomach is wilder then they have been for a loooong time, i guess since my dad was here. All positive words you can think of i'm at the moment.
And recently i have been thinking and i miss my best friend so much, i just hope that she misses me to? I know she will be at the airport to pick me up and that is amazing. Now i gotta look so good though since she haven't seen me for like 9 months.
Tova, Oliver, Grandma U-B, Grandma B, Grandpa S-O, Pelle, Asa, Morgan, Maria, Tobias, Ulrika, Victoria, Micke, Pia, Cribba and so on, i miss you all and it will be a blast when i'm home in - - days. FUN, FUN, FUN!
Oyeah and my finals i have in two of my classes is freakin me out. how can we NOT have pp on our computer?!?! What am i supposed to do? This sucks...
Well, next class here i come.
![Image Preview](
Cutting pain
Other then that there is not THAT much on my mind, wrote a lost in my planner yesterday of what i need and want to get before i leave and since we are going on a big shopping spree on Monday with my MOM,BonusDad, Brother and Chadwick, that list will be more then necassary. Also,i can not wait to wear my fitted light jeans that are waiting for me and have been waiting for me for over NINE months now.
I also just want to say that i miss my Alexandra and i hope you are not too mad at me that i wont make it home for you guyses graduation. I'm REALLY sorry, i really did try. I hope you are not too mad. <3
Today is a day when i really enjoy life, what is in it, what i'm on my way to, and where i know i will be.
People THREE days left til me Parents get here! Yeah yeah! I'm EXCITED!
Yeah Yeah!
My host sister, heather, and i on easter! I know, smooooking hot!
I don't like them, they are ruining ME!
I guess "the most beutiful people in the world" has them to, and they even have the money to get ride of them. i don't. Owell, life goes on but seeing all these pretty girls in short shorts, skirts, dresses or bikinis makes me think about it and how much it makes my body look sick. a new day has come and with it, a new thinking!
I will rock this summer, i will!
Because i love you
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
A new day has come
Last night i was at my boyfriends house, FINALLY, again and we were watching TV and i fell asleep, i just don't feel good. My headache wont go away and i just dont feel totally, 100%, like me. Good thing i have amazing people around me. I think my nervosity for my swedish people to come over is a big part of it.
But i need to tell you that one of the most amazing things happend last night, after i went to bed, i wason the phone with my boyfriend when i get a text msg, one of those text msg that you deep down have been waiting for for soooo long. Well, it finally came. Someone very close to me that i have had a hard time getting to really know, what is under her skin, on her mind and so on, said she looks up to me, she sees me as her sister and when i leave she wants us to email like every day, she wants to stay in contact with ME.
it made my day in many diffrent ways, but it also scares me. But like they say, you can never wait too long for something you really want, and this was something i have been waiting to hear for 9 months now, and it came. I'm just glad i rode the rough storm all the way. Way to go ME!
Some things really scares me when i'm leaving, but hey, i will focus on that when i'm actually NOT here, dosen't that sound like a good idea. And yeah, Dad i'm sorry i haven't emailed you back yet, i need to get going with that here pretty soon. And i will. Don't forget about the workouts for the coaches here, they are kinda witing for them.
"Block the bad thoughts out and think about whay you have that is good!"
Right? ;-D
life is a highway!
A little bit of THIS, a little bit of THAT
This is what i want when Chad's comes over. ;-) Or not, tooooo reveling. Owel,i guess we wil se.
It's raining...what?
Obviously there is tons of things going on at home, that i'm missing out on. Don't like it. But welcome to life. The grown up life. I'm ready, hit me.
My i want list (before i go home to elstocholmo)
- Dress for graduation
- Dress/nice top for my graduation PARTY
- Dress for my grandmas wedding
- Dress/top for e special secret occasion
- Jeans
- Ipod
- Shorts, nicer ones
- Acessories
- White tennhis shoes, tygskor(swedish word)
Well, i guess that's it, but i iknow i will get either money or ton of things for graduation too so.
And yeah, not even a week and my LOVELY purse will be here! Yeah yeah!
By the way, my brother kicks ass at writing essays. :-D Right buddy?
a VERY speciall day!
Not being at home, giving him breakfast in bed, singing for him or just pampering him on this day is rough and i don't like missing it.
Let me tell you some stories about my brother.
He was born on a Tuesday if remember right and it was not a warm day , but not cold, i was in school and my Dad walks down and said that my mom and stepdad called, cause i just got a baby brother. So right after school i get to the hospital, because they woulden't let me miss school to go and see him(why not?!). I walk in and i see my mom, there is also another lady there that now is my mom's best friend, but i saw this big baby that wa sthe same size almoust as what he was laying in. I figured that THAT coulden't be my brother, but ohh yeah, it turned out to be. I walked out to find anurse in the hall and when i found one i asked her if they had mixed some babies up and she looks at me lik ei'm crazy.
- No, there hasen't been any mixeups. Why do you ask that?
- Well, you see this baby that is in there(and i pointed to the room) is VERY big and it can' be my brother.
She lookad at me and said, yes it is.
So i walked back in and i looked at him, he had kinda a redish hair tone and he was a chubby boy. That was the prettiest baby i have ever seen though, and biggest.
I was babysitting, he most have been a year or so and my Mom and Stepdad haden't been out on a date for YEARS, so i said that i could babysit, lucky for me my Mom's best friend lived two houses down. In case of emargancie. Well, that emergencie happend. Of curse it did. As my little baby, or boy maybe not baby, i gave him whatever he wanted to eat, and more then half ofit i shoulden't have given him, but i did. So around 7;30 ish he starts balling and he just WILL NOT STOP and at 8 my favourite TV show was gonna start. PANIC! Well, i try to put him to bed but that didn't help, i turn his favourite movie on and that didn't help, i let him stay up and play, that didn't help either. I went upstairs to get something and all of the sudden i hear something lik ehitting the floor, i run downstairs and i se ehim standing in his on puke, and there was ALOT of it. I try to do my best, i sooo badly wanted to be able to handle everything. But after 20 min of crying and constant puking i called Ulrika, my moms best friend, she grabbed him and said you go and watch your show i will handle it. Ohh my, i thought the night would never end.
When he was born i thought the excitment and happniess of having him woulde never end, and i was right, it never has.
I want
A kiss is all i want and need from my boyfriend
Just another day right now
It's just 9 days 3 days this week, 3 days next week and 2 days after that left in school = EIGHT days. Unbeliveble. It is amazing how time can pass by fast. Thinking about what to wear for all big occasions i have to go to this summer, there is quiet a few.
What about this one for my graduation here in Sutton, NE?
![Floral Print Surplice Dress - CHERRY](
And then there is my graduation part, can NOT wear the same things for those two occasions. I know, that's kinda stupid, but sorry, that's the way it goes.
And for MY graduation party, how about this one?
![Poplin Plaid Romper - BLACK/WHITE](
Weekend away!
I'm leaving for Keraney here pretty soon, it will lots of fun me and Jeri will have some great quality time together. :-D Tons of fun!
But since i wont be home till, swedish time, monday morning or so, i thought i need to tell my AMAZING friend Helene happy birthday since she turns 19 on Sunday. Happy birthday you lovely woman, love you and i will see you soon. If i know her right she probably have an annxiety attack cause she is "so" old. Haha, but she is not. She has an amazing boyfrined and friends and her Mom is the sweetest ever and i know that she can do whatever she wants. Love you.
That was about all i was gonna say today.
Have a great weekend!!
Okay, so i did it
...My hair that is and it looks soooo cute. Some people might not like it while others will love it, i LOVE it. But i cen't tell you more about that at the moment because i really want it to be a suprise for the swedish people coming next week! Hahaha! Sorry Mom. :-D
Well, we are off school today and i slept in which was like heaven. I really needed that before my people from back home comes.
Before i forget i need to say happy birthday to my baby "sister" at home, Victoria, she turns the big TEN today. This is the worlds cutest princess and i can not believe that he is ten already, it kinda scares me, but owell. I love you Victoria and have a AMAZING bday!
Back to business, this weekend i'm going out to keraney(like 2 hours away from Sutton!) to watch Heathers last vball tournament, my host sister, and me VERY VERY good friend Jeri is going with me. Yeah we are just simple gonna rock kearney! Woho! So that means i wont be writing on here till American time sunday night, but Monday morning their will be things on here, so you can read about my weekend.
Other then that, i miss my brother soooo much and it freaks me out, cause he turns TEN on Tuesday, wasen't he born jut yesterday or sum? I don't know, but i have missed out. Love you baby Lu.
My Mom
Mom, I love you!
I didn't see THAT coming
So, i guess it is diffrent here in many ways, today i got reminded of it. I'm wearing black shorts, a longer black shirt with a gold belt on my hips and white keds, obviously that is HORRIBLE "cause we don't dress like THAT here".
Ha. I knew that being myself this year probably woulden't have work, and maybe i should have thought about that?
No, i shoulden't have, beacuse it is perfectly fine to be me and maybe someone should try it!
But telling someone we don't dress like THAT here, what the heck is THAT? Leave me alone, atleats i know that it is more to the world then "THIS".
Big hair dilemma too. What to do with my hair, color, hightlight or do a perm...and i don't even know what i want to do. I guess i need to figure it out before tonight though.
And yeah, one close friend that i REALLY trusted now went and told people what WE have been talking about what is up with THAT?
I gues that THAT is just a bog word here. I say screw it. Be your own and not everyones elses!
And yeah, 10 days and my brother will be here. THAT is what i call love!
Some friends are everlasting
Something new, something better
Well, i have aproximately 9 days left in school, if i count the days we are off, the days i have track, and 9 days, it's like no days at all. It will pass...FAST!
It's scary, sitting here thinking about it. It feels like yesterday that i stepped of the airplane in Lincoln, it feels like yesterday that i first met everyone the first day in school, forever since i went to my first wedding here. It feels like i just saw my first American football game, since i tried playing volley ball(haha, didn't miss much), like it was just yesterday that i met Chad and he took my heat to always love and protect me. Feels like i just had my first semester finals in ALL my classes(wasen't even bad!!). Forever since i played my first basketball game, since i've been sick(it's true, never sick here, don't ask why!). It just feels like...everything has passed so fast, like some things are coming to an end.
Some things are not though., Chad will alwyas be with me. Some friendships are everlasting. And i know, for a fact that i will be coming back here, sooner then i ever thought.
This year has probably been the hardest and most emotionally challenging year in my life. I have learned SOOOO much about people but mostly about myself. I'm proud of being me, and i know that there is nothing wrong with me. I'm stubborn, yes, but THAT shoulden't be the end of the world. But as seen as a whole years this has been one of the best years of my life, i have found out and got things and charcteristics
How and why?
I doubt it. I can mention alot of happenings throughout just the last ten years that makes us ask these questions, but still we haven't got the answers to the how and why questions. Being here, is the US and sitting in an american classroom at the moment, i can't help but thinking about, what if it happens here? Is there any way that you can tell on the perosn that is planning this or is just an impulse, did this guy that killed 33 people at VA tech(including himself) just wake up Monday morning and then decided to kill his fellow students?
I woulden't know. I haven't been physically involved in a shooting, i haven't meet anyone that has done such a thing like this. But i'm asking you, take a secund and think about this, read about it, look at pictures and interviews, even videos that students taped while it was going on. Ask yourself what YOU can do. Not to help, but to prevent this, can we do something?
But also keep in mind that this haven't got to do with what religion you have, where you are from, how you look. Right now, about the VA tech shooting we don't really know THAT much. So just think about it all, and pray and think about the people killed, injured and their loved ones. What would YOU do if it happend to someone close to you?
Keep going
I tried to be honest to her, yes Mom i know i always try that and not always for the best, but she deserves to here what i think. I had to remind her about something that we talked about...three years ago. I know her well enough to know that that's what she needed to hear. Friendships problems, friends leaving you for no reason is as hurtfull, if not more painfull then alot of things in this world. And hey, who said having friends is easy? Cause i sure as h-ll didn't.
We are all graduating this years, one way or another, and that is tears, sweat and blood. It hurts. Your heart and soul feel it and...something that you have wanted to happen for sooo long, why is it so painfull?
I woulden't know. All i know is that if someone is really your friend that's the time for both your sake and her/his sake, need to be there. We are not in kindergarden anymore, even though some people act like it.
Step it up.
We all have friends that are closer and friends that are just "there", if anything i thought that the friends that are just "there" were the ones that would suprise me,the ones that would be jeoulous and back away. But instead that's what one of my closest friends have done. WHY?
I don't seem to ever get an answer to that, i don't ever seem to get it. Instead of being jeoulous, instead of waisting our friendship and bond on that why not be happy for me, still share thigs with me and be a part of my life, in the best possible way. WHY is this not the case?
I know u didn't do anythin, I know that i didn't ruin things. I just want this person to be with me, happy with me, happy for me, share HER life with me, share HER feelings towards it, not hide things. It feels like she doesn't care anymore.Maybe thats how it is. Maybe i missed out on something. MAYBE i found the love of my life but lost the friend of a lifetime? Maybe...
This is what's called growing up.
I hope not, i love her too much. Cause i'm not gonna choose.
It must be nice
I spent the day with my boyfriend which was really nice, since i fell alseep last night when we were gonna have just a Nathalie and Chad day. My bad honey. We just sat in the sun, talked, fooled around and walked to Joakim's house. So not too much again. Hahaha.
Tomorrow is monday and back to business in school, just 12-13 days till my family gets here and i'm SOO excited, just to hug them all, just look at my brother face to face again. Ohh do i love that baby boy more then life itself? Yes i do.
Well, this kinda suck, not too much fun to read, i'm sorry, but it's late and i need to do my exercises, get my self-tan thingy on and go to bed. Ohh yeah, and talk to the best boyfriend in the world.
Monday again. Here we go.
(this is how my day will be tomorrow according to the stars!)
"A brainstorming session could lead to some interesting invitations of the romantic kind -- keep your cool when someone asks you something that you've been dying to be asked for a while now. It looks as though you're closer than ever to a goal you've been working toward (or a dream you've been wishing for). Are you prepared? Make sure your heart is ready to receive visitors -- and remind yourself what a treasure you have to share. Expect the best."
Well, honestly, dosen't tell my too much then I already knew ;-D Haha.
Saying hi to Lisa, Lars and Helena that stopped in to say hi on one of my comments!!! Se eyou in not too long!
My day today
So so far i haven't done all too much.
Done: Been cleaning at Grandpa Rubens for graduation party
Wore: jeans, white sneaks and a grey sweatshirt
Plans for later: Hopefully return the jeans i bought the other day and then just hang out with my boyfriend, shich seems like it haven't been just US for a very looong time.
Ohh yeah, beacuse we are three people in our realtionship. Hahaha. Well, atleast that's what it feels like sometimes. But i will get over it.
Look at this food though, i wish that was MY meal for tonight. YUM!
Time to go and get dressed again. jeans and a cute top? and gold flats...probably.
Their life's
Prince William of England and Kate Middleton breaks up after they have been dating for FIVE years. It's a mutual decision after that she feels that he dosen't priorotize her anymore. They have just gone two diffrent directions and she has had a really hard time lately to deal with the media preassure around their relationship(read speculations of engagement!)
- He is going to be the king of england, my boyfriend is the king of my HEART, now and forever. And we won't have any media preassure on us, atleast not now. Just wait til we are both out there, overtaking the world.
Reese Witherspon and Jake Gyllenhaal is now ON. Wow, yeah it's not like the most Hollywood couples that say "we are just friends" will end up being just friends. Just like tons of other couples around the world, the happy two just want to take it slow and enjoy the whole proces sof getting to know each other. GREAT decisions people.
But they will be one HOT couple on the red carpet if and when they walk on it together.
(Reese's and Jake)
Brad Pitt and his Girlfriend Angelina Jolie is fighting over Shiloh. Brad is frustrated that angelina don't care as much about shiloh as she does for her adopted kids. Every since she got home with her new son, Pax 3 years, she haven't even touched or hugged Shiloh. In frustration it's been said that Brad took Shiloh to one of their other houses to live with her there for a while since he is the one doing everything anyways. He has supposible said that Angelina dosen't even love Shiloh. WOW. Shocker. NOT. Brad, I could have told you months ago that sthaying with Jennifer would have been the best thing you could do. But I guess we will just have to see, is the wedding gonan be on again, or off forever now?
Last but not least, this time, is Gwen stefani that now says that she has been on a diet for her entire life. Okay, so i know you woulden't look THAT good without a diet. I'm sorry people but you can't eat whatever you want ALL the time and then expect to look like a sexy mama. Well, i sure can't, and i really don't even wish that that was the case. Gotta work hard to look hot. She says she contents herself with "all the healthy stuff" most of the time, "but I let myself cheat once or twice a day with a cookie or pizza."
There we go, if she can cheat with it so can WE. I just say DO IT, bikini season here we come!
The people i love!
This is my loves(with some people not in it cause i don't have pics of them!).
Love is
never jealous or envious,
never boastful or proud,
never haughty or selfish or rude.
Love does not demand its own way.
It is not irritable or touchy.
It does not hold grudges
and will hardly even notice
when others do it wrong.
It is never glad about injustice,
but rejoices whenever truth wins out.
If you love someone you
will be loyal to him
no matter what the cost.
You will always believe in him,
Always expect the best of him
and always stand your ground
in defending him.
All the special gifts
and powers from God
will someday come to an end,
but love goes on forever.
This is why our love is what it is. I love you with all of my heart and soul Chad Broderick Sheridan, you are my dream come true.
Sooo, i was gonna try to talk to my Dad tonight, but i guess he is a busy man now. And guess what? That makes me SOOO happy. I want my dad to fall inlove, i want him to be loved and love someone. I want him to share his life with someone that deserves it, i want him to feel what i feel. I want him to wake up with someone who adores him and find him the best thing in her life. I love my Dad more then i could ever say and he is an spectacular person and he deserves everything he ever wants and gets in life. And i know he will find it.
He also emailed me and told me how proud he is over me, not only for who i'm buyt for what my dreams, goals and life is and will be. My family is my all, and in that family we have someone knew, someone that will forever stay with us and always be a part of us. My boyfriend. I know i will, because i already have, meet people that think it's weird, how can i love him so much already? But thinking about it, what is already really? He has been my all since i went to the US, he has never let me down, never hurt me and always been by my side. I believe in true love and true love is what we have! I believe that we will make our own, and our shared, dreams come true. I know we will. Like it or not.
Didn't want to be too serious. But love comes in everty shape and color, just like these two.
Talked to my boyfriend and it seems like we are gonna go and buy some jeans tonight, but thinking about it there is soooo many things i want to do, i want to color my hair, buy jeans, do my nails. OHHH I CAN"T WAIT TO START WORKING! And i know, people keep telling me that when i'm actually working you don't want to work at all, i gues si woulden't know that at the moment.
Back to the weather, i don't know why, but i'm already looking for houses/apartments for rent in Phoneix, Arizona, and there is some really nice ones and hey, they weather is AMAZING! Arizona here we come baby...just wait. Speaking of houses, when i get back home, my home will have been moved, i guess our apartment is too big, esapcially since i wont be there for that much longet, it's sad, but reality. And since we are getting so close to that i'm thinking about gifts to get some of my girls, the ones closests to me, cause i'm not made out of money, if i was everyne would get something...! FOR SURE!
what is impossible for some is possible for others!
Someone that could help me out here, what should i do. MAJOR problem.
Well, i should get back to class first of all, and do my assignment, then just a few more hours in school and after that, MAJOR problem comes back.
She's got hips but it dosen't seem to bother her at all!
Mind thinking.
It beats me. But i guess that's why i don't do it too though. I'm not a runner, and never will be, i like to run on a tredmill to stay in shape, but my back can't handle running outside so i enjoy running inside alot more now. I usuall watch TV when i run, just to don't think about that i'm actually RUNNING. To me working out, going to the gym, lifting weights, going for a run or whatever you do is relaxation, it blocks my thoughts out and if i'm mad i will take it out on lifting or running. Maybe this sounds weird, but it is like therapy, therapy for your mind.
But to more fun things.
We are almoust already half way into April and time passes as fast as ever before. In les sthen three weeks my parents are coming to visit me and see my friends, host family, boyfriend and his family and the enviroment i have been living in for the past, soon to be, 9 months.
And before i know it, sadly, it will be time for me to leave. Go back to Sweden. A part of me is sooo excited t come home to see my friends, to see Emma, Alexandra and Helene and all the other people, but another part of me, a side i didn't really know, don't want to leave. I will miss Sutton and all the people. Of curse i will. I have lived here for almoust a year, it has been my home for that long. I guess i know that i'm coming back though, and soon too, December is not THAT far away. It will be fun(but we can cover that some other day!).
I need to get warmed up now, Beeing out for 7 hours in 30 F(-0 C) for the hole day, is killing me, i'm COLD!
Time for food and heat! :-D
The same things goes with my Boyfriend, he smells like just he can do, and if/when someone else is using the same cologne that he is i can tell right away, but it dosen't smell like HIM. I love my boyfriend and i lov ethe way he smells, just because it's him. But...
...I have this one scent that i absolutely, ABSOLUTELY, would love for him to have and since his b-day is coming up before i leave, that might be something to think about for him. Or is that an insult? I don't know. I will let you know how he takes it.
I used to have this dream..
I used to dream of eyes so blue
And loving arms to hold me.
I used to dream of heroic knights
And how gracious they would be.
I used to dream of how I wouldn?t settle
For anything less than best.
I used to dream of how he would majestically
Lay all fears to rest.
I used to dream of fairy tales,
How wondrous would they be
I used to dream of story books
All patterned after me.
I used to dream of a lot of things,
But the moment I met you,
I immediately stopped dreaming,
Because all of my dreams came true.
Welcome to my new blogg!