
Some days are just worst the others, in many ways, it's carzy. Today is just one of those days that are so busy...that if the bus dosen't get there on the minute when it's supposed to come everything will fall apart. Ever since i woke up this morning it has been go, go, go. Science in school, a class that we just had our big midterm in, and tomorrow is our last day before we will be gone frm school for 6 weeks, so what the heck could we possible do today? Well, we talked about the universe, kinda intresting. 25 minutes after that class was over with i had a meeting regarding our big graduation party, as a class, and then i had a interview conserning a spot during my internship...I GOT IT! Well then now here I'm, sitting at work and trying to get my work done and at the same time try to prepare even more for this horrible exam i have tonight... an emxam im really dreading and that i have had nightmares about for the past last 5 days, then it's time for basketball... if there is anything left inside of me by then. Gooooood, just let this day end. And now when i look outside the window i can't tell if it's snowing or raining outside...please don't do this.

Sweatpants, sweatshirt, a good movie, take-out and some good company would be a dream come true right now. It would be great.


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